"Popular" 查询到2 个结果,耗时:1ms

  • Ministerio de Comercio de la República Popular China
    press conference, exhibition, mixed (joint) committee, business data, trade friction, IPR, investment, cooperation, mechanical and electrical goods, agricultural products, service outsourcing, Minister of Commerce, WTO, high-level dialogue, free trade area, trade and economic agreement, trade in services, commercial information, anti-dumping, countervailing, assistance funds, contracted project, labour service, regional economic and trade negotiation, processing trade, economic activity, market
  • Xinhua – China, World, Business, Sports, Photos and Video | English.news.cn
    Xinhuanet is a comprehensive service-oriented news information portal and the most influential online media in China. As the main communication platform of all-media news information products created by Xinhua News Agency, Xinhuanet releases global news information 24 hours daily in 11 languages. Xinhuanet, the world's most important window for Internet users on China, is committed to providing the most authoritative and timely information service to them in more than 200 countries and regions.